Hailing all Helmwise Captains!

The Helmwise Cohort™ Interstitial is a monthly event designed to provide a platform for you to share your knowledge and insights on a topic of your choice with your fellow Captains. This is a wonderful chance to showcase your expertise, foster discussion, and learn from one another in an engaging and supportive environment.

Add value to the Helmwise Cohort™ Community by sharing your thought leadership and expertise during a live Zoom event. Presenting Captains may select a subject that reinforces elements of the Helmwise Infinity Loop Methodology, introduce a complementary navigational aid, or raise a new sail that speeds the journey to the next waypoint or strengthens the Captains, the ship, or the crew for sustained voyages.

Each Cohort Interstitial will take place on the fourth Tuesday of the month, at noon, via Zoom. Whether you choose to present on a professional subject, a personal passion, or a current issue, your contribution will be highly valued. These sessions are held in the intervening space between the monthly Helmwise Captain Conclaves.

We look forward to your participation and the enriching conversations that will follow. Use the form below to reserve your place at the helm of a Helmwise Cohort™ Interstitial.